Innova Market Insights
1st Bremerhaven Conference on Blue Economy and Fish Processing
15th and 16th March 2023
Bremerhaven, Fischbahnhof and online (Hybrid Conference)
Bilingual Conference: English and German with simultanuous translation
The Meeting Point for European Fish and Seafood Processors
This conference will give an overview about the current challenges, trends and perspectives for the European fish and seafood processing industry. One main focus will be by-products handling, processing and valorisation as well as process optimisation to get the most and the best out of your raw material.
The conference starts on March 15 at 9:00 am and ends on March 16 at 3:00 pm. With plenty of time for networking during the breaks and at the evening event.
Supported by:
Our Speakers
Nicole Jansen
Vilhjalmur Jens Arnason
Icelandic Ocean Cluster
Åge Oterhals, PhD
Prof. Ingrid Undeland
Chalmers University of Technology
Mark Boom
Marel – Retail & Foodservice Solutions
Dennis Lohmann
Patrick Hearse
Eurofins NDSC Food Testing Germany
Dr. Dieter Elsser-Gravesen
ISI Food Protection
Peter Désilets
Dr. Arne Schröder
Thünen Institut für Seefischerei
Enno Fricke
Dr. Timo Stressler
AB Enzymes
Yasar Kaya
AB Enzymes
Dr. Andreas Wohltmann
Stefan Kirchner
GEA Separation & Flow Technologies
Mehdi Abdollahi
AquaFood AB
Sæmundur Elíasson
PhD, Matis and the University of Iceland
Jacob von Manteuffel
Axel Gottschalk
University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven
Maarten Heins
Roval GmbH
Martin Schüring
ttz Bremerhaven
Dr. Ludger Wess
350 PPM Biotech
This project is an event of the Fischereihafen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH (FBG) with the support of ttz Bremerhaven and is funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union (EMFF).