Tags: Biotechnology, wastewater treatment, water supply, water scarcity, Africa
Tags: UV systems, ballast water treatment, International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA)
Tags: Satellite workshop, EFFoST, HighTech Europe Satellite workshop of EFFoST Annual Meeting on 8th November 2011 in Berlin
Tags: Ultrasonic Cutting, cutting machine, baked goods from rye
Keywords: REVERSE, geocaching@nature, Biodiversity, Geocaching
Tags: ISSOWAMA, waste management, Delhi, conference
Tags: HighTech Europe, interpack, Knowledge Auction, Network of excellence, food packaging, food industry
Tags: Algae, eatables, vitamines, minerals, micronutrient, dairy products Milk products containing algae compensate for dietary deficiencies
Tags: Technology Transfer, Science, Consortium
Tags: Recycable Resources, Waste Material, Symposium, Food Processing Initiative
Tags: Recycable Resources, Waste Material, Symposium, Food Processing Initiative
Tags: Wastewater, energy plantation, bioenergy regions
Tags: Chill-On, transparancy, food supply chain
Tags: Symposium, Food, Food industry, remnants, water, energy
Tags: Gingerbread houses, Seeparkschule Wesermünde, kids, cooperation
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