Central Network for Aquaculture

Project Duration:
01.04.2012 – 31.03.2013
Project Manager:
Björn Suckow
The network AQUZENTE is an initiative to stimulate investment in the German sector of aquaculture and to connect enterprises project-oriented within and outside the network. It links especially small and medium enterprises in the sector of aquaculture along all branches of production. Amongst these are fish farmers as well as technology suppliers, plant engineers, investors, manufactures and marketers. Therefore AQUZENTE combines the know-how from a wide variety of different areas and disciplines. Through the exchange of experiences, concerns, co-operations and new initiatives a sustainable aquaculture in Germany should be promoted and maintained. Common technical and legal problems will be identified and potential solutions will be worked out. The ttz Bremerhaven supports the participating companies in cost-intensive ancillary operations. AQUZENTE deals with overcoming legal and economic obstacles that SME are facing during the process of market development for new products.
Within the scope of the network, technology concepts and guidelines for technological aquaculture are developed cooperatively. Focus is also laid on the development of innovative technologies to open new markets for technology and plant manufacturers, strengthening their position internationally and expanding their portfolio. Plant operators’ steps from a pilot project to a competitive, commercial facility should be supported. Breeders should be helped with the deployment of new technology, in cooperation with processors and marketers new products should be developed. Synergies between the different partners should be used optimally through collaborative projects.
The network also takes care of supporting its partners with public relations, improving the position of aquaculture in Germany and achieving a market and consumer response as large as possible. This way AQUZENTE aims to contribute to strengthening the economic power of German businesses in the field of aquaculture, securing existing jobs and creating new ones. An additional goal of the network is to improve acceptance of fish produced in Germany and to inform the German public what aquaculture “made in Germany? really is, why it is needed and what its advantages are.
aquzente flyer enFurther information on AQUZENTE:

Further information on AQUZENTE:
- Aquaculture at ttz Bremerhaven
- Flyer about aquaculture at ttz Bremerhaven
- Press release: Fish for the future
- AQUZENTE at the AQUA 2012