European Food Information Resource Network

Network in the 6th EU-Framework Programme
Project Duration:
01.01.2005 – 31.12.2009
Project Manager:
Claudia Krines
EuroFIR, the world-leading European Network of Excellence on Food Composition Databank systems is a partnership between 44 universities, research institutes and small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) from 24 European countries. EuroFIR aims to develop and integrate a comprehensive, coherent and validated databank providing a single, authoritative source of food composition data in Europe.
EuroFIR aims to create the world-leading centre of excellence in food databank systems by:
- Strengthening the scientific & technological excellence in food databank systems & tools in Europe
- Identifying and providing new information for missing data for nutrients and biologically active compounds for all food groups including traditional foods and Ethnic minority foods
- Training a new generation of European scientists in the development, management and application of food databank systems
- Communicating with all user and stakeholder groups to develop food databank systems for the benefit of European food and nutrition research
- Disseminating and exploiting new scientific and technological knowledge to create a sustainable and durable body
EuroFIR is funded by the European Commission’s Research Directorate General under the “Food Quality and Safety Priority??
( http://www.cordis.lu/food/home.html ) of the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development ( http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6 ).
The work package objectives are amongst others to specify standard procedures for the calculation of the composition of prepared and composite foods from their ingredients or intermediate products, including application of yield and nutrient retention factors, and formulate standard sets of factors
- to investigate the general availability of composition data on food industry products, options for improving information flow between industry, database compilers and consumers, and specific activities to improve the quality and timeliness of composition data and
- to define industry requirements and establish guidelines for the effective incorporation of industry data in databank systems.
The WP has refocused after the first year to strengthen the industrial consultations and explore possible development of new databases of branded foods or ingredients with industry associations.
2nd International EuroFIR Congress:
Role of food composition data in improving quality, healthiness and safety of European diets — PDF-Download