Intelligent and easy
tool to categorise and characterise flour quality for consumer-driven wheat
baked goods in European SME-bakery and cereal sector

FP7 Capacities, SME-2013-2, Research for SME Associations
Project Duration:
01.02.2014 – 01.01.2017
Project Manager:
Julien Huen
The main project objective and vision behind FLOURPLUS is to exploit the full baking potential of every kilogram of flour in the baking process. The bakery production process can be fully adapted to the varying natural flour properties in real time and in a simple way. This leads to an improved, more constant bread quality. This will further enhance consumer satisfaction while at the same time help reducing food losses.
In order to realise this vision, the project team will be working on:
- Evaluating existing flour analysis methods from a baker’s point of view and further developing emerging ones
- Exploring possibilities of adaption of fermentation conditions based on flour properties
- Developing an improved understanding of bread sensory perception and its practical implications for the bakers
- Analysing the relationship between the flour properties, fermentation conditions, bread properties and consumer perception with advanced data mining tools
- Implementing easy-to-use correlation models that will allow bakers to react to natural quality variations of flour

The project consortium consists of AIBI (coordinator, Belgium), VDG (Germany), Asemac (Spain), FEB (France) as bakery associations, Backhaus Ha¨ussler GmbH & Co KG as SME company and the research partners ttz Bremerhaven, University of Cork and University of Bremen.
The project will be performed for the benefit of Europe’s bakers, especially small and medium sized businesses. Companies from the bakers and millers side are invited to contribute to the project with their knowledge and experience.

Brochure of the FLOURPLUS Project:
Further information on this project and on related topics:
Projektbeschreibung HD Mehl: Funktionalisierung von Getreidemahlprodukten aus Weizen durch Anwendung von Hochdruck
Projektbeschreibung BreadGuard: Development of a cost-efficient, precise and miniaturized sensor system for quality and performance control in baking processes
Projektbeschreibung EnEff Bäckerei-Netzwerk: Netzwerk zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz in Bäckereien
Projektbeschreibung Dinkel: Charakterisierung der Backqualität von Dinkelsorten aus der biologisch-dynamischen Landwirtschaft
Projektbeschreibung E-Breadmaking: Aufbau eines elektronischen Handels für Bäckereimaschinen, basierend auf Expertensystem, Multiagentensystem und virtueller Realität