Treatment of Olive Mill Wastewater in Greece

EUROPEAN UNION: Investing in your future – European Regional Development Fund;
Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr (SUBV);
Angewandte Umweltforschung (AUF)
Project Duration:
01.06.2011 – 30.11.2011
Project Manager:
Dr. Anne Berghoff
The olive oil processing industry generates highly polluted residual water which is usually not disposed properly and as a consequence creates ecological risks such as environmental pollution. The target of this project is to identify between 1 and 3 appropriate techniques for the treatment of residual water generated by olive mills in Greece. The selection of the techniques is based on theoretical know-how and initial measurements. The study includes an extensive literature review as well as a precise analysis of the given local situation. The adequacy of the selected methods will be evaluated with regards to economical as well as technical criteria. A more intensive laboratory evaluation and the implementation of a pilot-plant will be part of the AiF – follow up project. The project partners are the innovative provider of research services ttz Bremerhaven and the consulting company aqua consult. The project enhances the market position of both partners as well as their interrelations; furthermore it encourages the intercultural cooperation and supports Greece to improve its economic situation.
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