Regional exchanges and policy making for protecting and valorizing biodiversity in Europe
Project Duration:
01.01.2010 – 31.12.2012
Project Manager:
Benjamin Küther
REVERSE is a European interregional cooperation project in the INTERREG IVC program with a duration of 3 years and a total budget of 2,5 million Euros. REVERSE is promoting regional exchanges and policy making for protecting and valorizing biodiversity in Europe.
The year 2010 was proclaimed “International Year of Biodiversity? by the United Nations. This shows how its preservation is of vital urgency for our planet. In this sense, the objective of REVERSE project is to promote biodiversity on a European scale by supporting positive actions across the regions. Built on the basis of feedback from the field and exchanges on successful partnership initiatives, this project aims to improve the effectiveness of regional policies on the conservation and development of biodiversity.
The three key topics are agriculture, food production and biodiversity, tourism and biodiversity and land development and biodiversity.
At the end of the project several documents will be created. Their purpose is to provide relevant tools to local councils and decision-makers to take account of biodiversity within their policies. Strategic and political recommendations intended for decision-makers, in order to create new perspectives for their local policies. A guide to good practices, as a genuine operational tool, this guide will group together, in a thematic and practical way, successful experiences which have demonstrated a proven effectiveness in terms of preserving biodiversity. The good practices presented will be easily transposable. A charter will be proposed on a European scale in order to unite players in a joint project to preserve biodiversity.
The partners of REVERSE project are regional authorities and public establishments from 7 European countries, which have for a long time been involved in the protection and development of natural and cultivated biodiversity. They work on varied and complementary subjects such as: conservatories of species in situ, gene banks, the management of natural spaces, the regional strategies for the conservation of biodiversity, the local legislation for the protection of biodiversity, education, etc.
Further information on this projekt:
- REVERSE projekt brochure
- REVERSE Newsletter #1
- REVERSE Newsletter #2
- REVERSE Newsletter #3
- Press release: Advantage through diversity
- Press release: Nature meets Technology – geocaching@nature