Home » researchs » Food » COMMFABNET


Communication of Food, Fisheries, Agriculture and Biotechnologies research. A network to support EU-funded research projects


7th EU-Framework Programme

Project Duration:

01.01.2012 – 31.12.2014

Project Manager:

Christian Colmer


The effective communication of research results of EU-funded research projects to end users is hampered by a number of factors such as the lack of confidence and communication skills within the scientific community or difficulties in effectively reaching out to the media and other multipliers. Poor dissemination of research results significantly reduces the potential project impact on European competitiveness and the quality of life of EU citizens.

The three year CommFABnet addresses these challenges in the FP6 Food Quality and Safety and FP7 KBBE programmes by a broad range of support activities being provided free of charge to the network members. Towards the public, the project represents itself by the name CommNet. The activities include:

  • addressing target audiences inclusive the general public, SME’s, policy makers and young people by several media-effective publications
  • identifying and exchanging best practices in the communication of research results
  • providing communications & media trainings for scientists
  • identifying and providing access to novel communication channels and multipliers
  • organising yearly interactive industry & policy forum to enhance and stimulate KBBE research

ttz Bremerhaven is in charge of defining efficient ways of communicating research results to SME’s and industry actors. Together with the Belgian project partner PRACSIS; ttz Bremerhaven is responsible for the planning and implementation of yearly industry and policy forums to promote the outcomes of European Bioeconomy research projects. Additionally, ttz Bremerhaven identifies speaking opportunities for CommNet members on Bioeconomy events all over Europe and is thereby supporting the network members to communicate their project results to the general public, SME’s and industry actors.

  • Project partners are
  • youris.com (Belgium)
  • Minerva Ltd (UK)
  • British Nutrition Foundation BNF (UK)
  • PRACSIS (Belgium)
  • and ttz Bremerhaven (Germany)

Further information on this and related topics:

Kontakt Sensorik & Konsumentenforschung

Imke Matullat

Kompetenzfeldmanagerin Sensorik und Konsumentenforschung

Lengstraße 3
27572 Bremerhaven

+49 471 80934-200

+49 471 80934-299

Kontakt Verfahrenstechnik

Faraz Rasheed Mir

Kompetenzfeldmanager Verfahrenstechnik

Knurrhahnstraße 22 – 24
27572 Bremerhaven

+49 471 80934-200

+49 471 80934-199


ttz Bremerhaven

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