Harmonize the excellence of research available in Europe
Network of Excellence 7th Framework Programme
Project Duration:
01.05.2009 – 30.04.2013
Project Manager:
Annika Gering
Research needs exchange to stay alive. Unity in diversity – the European maxim – offers the best conditions for this. HighTech Europe is an initiative of European research organizations, industrial associations and enterprises with the goal of setting up a European Institute of Food Technology in order to harmonize the excellence of research available in Europe and to strengthen the resident industry for global competition.
The Network of Excellence has been lined up with the goal of making the latest findings from biotechnology, nanotechnology as well as information and communication technology available for novel strategies in food production. Currently, the network consists of 23 partners and is funded within the scope of the 7. Framework Program. For the cooperating companies HighTech Europe is the pipeline for technological development which is globally unsurpassed in its comprehensive approach. HighTech Europe is the turning point for future-oriented product and process innovations.
In order to futher support high-tech innovations and to relate food research and industry the network of excellence launched in 2010 the European Food Processing Implementation Award for the first time.
Further information on this project:
Event: Interpack 2011: First HighTech Europe Knowledge Auction
Event: Less for more – Novel processing technologies for a changing society