Verfahrensentwicklung zur Vermeidung des Austrocknens von Lebensmitteln beim Kühlen und Gefrieren mit Ultraschall-Kaltnebel und gleichzeitiger Prozessdesinfektion mit Wasserstoffperoxid und lebensmittelgerechten Substanzzusätzen – Mikrobiologische Charakterisierung und verfahrenstechnische Entwicklung des neuartigen Kühl- und Gefrierprozesses (Ultraschall-Kaltnebel kombiniert mit H2O2) von Fleischwaren unter Berücksichtigung von qualitativen und energetischen Aspekten
AiF – ZIM / KF (support program of BMWi)
Project Duration:
01.04.2011 – 30.11.2012
Project Manager:
Ruth Begoihn
The QualiFreez project aims to develop a process and a machine to avoid the dehydration of food, especially meat and meat products, during freezing and chilling by the application of ultrasonic mist. Another aim is to realize a continuous process and product disinfection by enriching the ultrasonic mist with hydrogen peroxide.
The dry air freezing methods commonly used in industrial plants are always associated with the risk of freezer burn and microbiological contamination. The consequences arising out of the dry freezing and chilling are losses in product quality and freshness, a high percentage of non-marketable products and a high energy demand.
Due to ultrasonic induced moisturizing and disinfection during the process to be developed the risk of freezer burn and the microbiological risk are minimized.
Additionally the high relative humididy during the freezing and chilling process enhances the heat transfer to the products. In this way up to 40 per cent of the process energy can be saved.
During the ultrasonic induced humidification the desinfection liquid containing the oxidant and biocide acting additive is introduced into the process as an aerosol consisting of nanoscale droplets. Due to the small size the droplets are distributed evenly throughout the system and are able to act on the microorganisms in the air and at the machine surfaces. At the same time the aerosol is acting as an odor neutralizer. Thus it cleans the air and forms an antibacterial film on all surfaces even in gaps and joints of the plant.
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