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Ethical Issues of the High Tech Applications in Food Processing

Tags: Satellite workshop, EFFoST, HighTech Europe Satellite workshop of EFFoST Annual Meeting on 8th November 2011 in Berlin

This workshop on 8th November 2011 in Berlin, Germany, is the first comprehensive attempt of the HighTech Europe EU FP7 project to provide a common platform for discussions for professionals representing ethics, consumer sciences, major innovation sources and food processing. During the symposium invited speakers will give keynote presentations – followed by a round table discussion in order to provide a forum for exchange ideas, about the future of the food industrial application of new technologies and about related ethical issues.

Bio- and nanotechnologies as well the information and communication technologies (ICT) belong to the significantly innovative and promising activities for the food industry. Nutrition is at the same time our direct, regular and essential connection to the outside world. This exceptional relationship is very sensitive for changes. Food nowadays belongs unambiguously to the consumer goods of trust, due to the fact that the consumer can not control directly the safety of foods.

Consumers’ perception and acceptance of new technologies is not taken for granted, consumers’ points of views are different from ones of the designers and producers. In connection with consumers’ acceptance, more and more attention is paid to the values and the research of ethical questions related to the technology innovation.

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The conference will be chaired by Prof. Diána Bánáti, Chair of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE), administration is provided by EFFoST conference.


Welcome and short introduction of lecturers

Prof. Dr. Diána Bánáti, Chair, EFSA, Hungary


Ethical aspects of the agri-food systems

Prof. Göran Hermerén, Professor of BioEthics, University of Lund, Sweden


Ethical aspects of nanotechnology in the area of food and food manufacturing

Prof. Dr. Herbert J. Buckenhüskes, EFFoST, Germany



“All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful” – Moral theological considerations for navigation in the labyrinth of technological development
Prof. Emmanuel Agius, Dean of the University of Malta

Transparency along the food chain
Attila Berczeli, Campden & Chorleywood Ltd., Hungary


The role of Ethics in Food Safety and Quality
Prof. Dr. Peter Raspor, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Lessons drawn from the social acceptance of genetic engineering of plants for food uses
Prof. Dr. Pere Puigdomenech Rosell, Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona, Spain



User-oriented innovation in the food sector: opportunities, threats and open issues at the implemention of high tech processing
Prof. Klaus G. Grunert, Director, MAPP Aarhus School of Business, Denmark

Affective and moral attitudes influencing consumers’ behaviour – considerations for innovators
Richard Shepherd, Department of Psychology Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, University of Surrey, UK

Round table discussion
moderator: Prof. Dr. Diána Bánáti


If you are interested in the please send an email to symposium@hightecheurope.eu. The HighTech Europe event is free of charge.

The Symposium will be a satellite workshop of EFFoST Annual Meeting on ‘Process-Structre-Function Relationship’ on 8th November 2011 at Technical University of Berlin, Strasse des 17. Juni 135 in 10623 Berlin, Germany.

Further information on this event:

Event: Symposium on the Ethical Issues of the High Tech Applications in Food Processing

Programme and Details

HighTech Europe Project Homepage ( www.hightecheurope.eu )

HighTech Europe Project Description

Press release: HighTech Europe at Anuga FoodTec 2012

Press pictures for editorial use (foto: ttz/pr)


Ethical Issues in Food Processing – Science meets Society in Berlin


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