First High Tech Europe Knowledge Auction on food packaging innovations
The first HighTech Europe Knowledge Auction on food packaging innovations will take place at interpack in Düsseldorf on 17 May 2011. The idea behind this auction, organized by ttz Bremerhaven, is to promote the transfer of scientific knowledge to marketable products. Intensified utilization of innovations will allow companies to improve their competitive capability and ensure long-term market success.
Bremerhaven, March 29th, 2011. Submitted knowledge offers were evaluated by a highly qualified expert panel and the abstracts are presented on the Knowledge Auction website. All interested bidders are invited to register for the offer of their choice. During the auction the participants will bid with rather symbolic amounts for the right of first negotiation with the knowledge owner. This offers the opportunity to exclusively negotiate the transfer of rights or a possible cooperation with the knowledge owner.
As largest packaging fair in the world, interpack offers an excellent setting for the auction because all important decision makers from the packaging sector will be at Düsseldorf. A lunch and a coffee break will provide time for networking in a relaxed atmosphere. Participation is free of charge. Further participation guidelines as well as the registration form are available for download at
The HighTech Europe Network of Excellence comprises 21 industrial and research partners from all over Europe as well as one research institute from Australia. One aspect of the project is the development of new knowledge transfer concepts aimed at enhancing the communication and the cooperation between research and industry. The overall intention of the project is the introduction of high-tech bio, nano and ICT technologies to food markets in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the European food industry, especially of SMEs. To harmonize excellence in food research available within Europe, the project’s aim is to establish a European Institute for Food Processing. Interested companies can access exclusive information already during the term of the project by signing up for the Associated Membership Platform (AMP). For more information, please visit the project’s website:
venue: 17 May 2011, 11:00-15:30
interpack, DüsseldorfCongress, room 01 CCD south
More information on this project:
- Flyer
- HighTech Europe project description
- HighTech Europe Project Homepage ( )
Press pictures for editorial use (foto: ttz/pr)
Logo of the first HighTech Europe Knowledge Auction
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ttz Bremerhaven is an innovative provider of research services and operates in the field of application-oriented research and development. Under the umbrella of ttz Bremerhaven, an international team of experts is working in the areas of food, environment and health.