Die Experten des Kompetenzfelds foodtechnologie entwickeln, optimieren und validieren technologische Prozesse und Abläufe für Handwerk und Industrie.
Die Nutzung des natürlich vorhandenen Potenzials pflanzlicher Rohstoffe ist eine unserer Stärken. Physik rein – Chemie raus! Durch den Einsatz innovativer Technologien werden funktionelle Komponenten wie Eigenenzymatik, Wasserbindung- oder Vernetzungseigenschaften zugänglich und beherrschbar.
Unser umfangreiches Know-How in den Bereichen der Bäckereitechnologie, Extrusion oder Fermentation führt in Kombination mitunserem sehr gut ausgestatteten Technikum zur praxisnahen Projektumsetzung.
Below you will find a selection of our current and completed research and development projects in the competence field Food
Information platform on international standards for SMEs in the food sector
Information platform on international standards for SMEs in the food sector
Developing novel intelligent labels for chilled and frozen food products and promoting the influence of smart labels application on waste reduction, food quality and safety in the European supply chains
Kirsch TS
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Stabilisierung der Festigkeit/Textur von Früchten nach einem Gefrierprozess.
Development and standardization of a process for the production of an enzyme preparation made from koji for the use in bakery products
KosaDat – Correlation of sensory and analytical data
Correlation of sensory and analytical data
Novel climatic chamber with an innovative, energy-saving Nano-Aerosol Humidification System
Novel climatic chamber with an innovative, energy-saving Nano-Aerosol Humidification System
Novel climatic chamber with an innovative, energy-saving Nano-Aerosol Humidification System
Development of nanosensors for the detection of quality parameters along the food chain
Natural Stability
Verbesserung der hygienischen Qualität und Sicherheit von Cateringprodukten
Improving the quality of life of elderly people by co-ordinating research into malnutrition of the elderly
Development of a novel procedure process for the optimal processing of salt-reduced dough
Innovative and energy-efficient proofing/cooling technology based onultrasonic humidification for high quality bakery…
BioDisc: Development and evaluation of an enzyme based extraction and processing technology for plant protein from different sources dedicated for food application